Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A pack-a-day or a Blunt-a-day?

The Monitoring the Future Survey was taken by 46,000 teens and showed how many and the last time they have smoked Marijuana.  The survey found that 8% of 8th graders say they've smoked marijuana in the past 30 days.  As the age increases so does the percentage of kids who've smoked pot. But on the other hand 19% of 12th graders have smoked cigarettes at any given time.  The survey shows that high school students tend to smoke marijuana more then smoking cigarettes.  Further down in the article posted on CNN states that 6% of seniors smoke pot on a daily basis.  The uprise in smoking pot as a high school student has increased while other drugs such as meth, and ecstasy have gone down since the early 2000's.  In my opinion I think marijuana should be legal.  Kids today are already doing it so why bother trying to stop it since kids are just going to rebel anyways.  Recreational use of pot doesn't affect kids like say ecstasy or other hardcore drugs.  Just let it be.  article: Marijuana use overtakes smoking in teens

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