Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't ask Don't Tell..

In a CNN article posted on October 16th, Gay's protested against the military because they're not able to serve in the armed forces.  In my opinion I don't think gays should be allowed in the military.  I don't feel that they would make the cut for the strict physical and mental states that the branches have for everyone to be considered for enlistment.  I'm fine with them maybe being pencil pushers for the military but I definitely wouldn't want them serving on the front lines.  Maybe my mentality isn't correct but frankly if I was on the front lines I wouldn't trust some gay guy with my life if we were in a life or death situation.  When it comes to the military they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy which is good I guess because they don't want gays in but they won't come out and say they don't want them because they don't want to offend those people and their choice of lifestyle.

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