Friday, January 7, 2011

A Strong Defense is a good Offense.

Yesterday, January 6th CNN reported the looming military cuts.  Defense Secretary Robert gates made his decision to cut $78 Million dollars from the U.S. military and Marine Corps.  The cash cuts would be to fund the troops not to be used to develop smarter weapons.  The money needed to produce smarter weapons is coming from the branches' savings.  The savings used for the weapons totals upwards of $100 billion dollars.  Furthermore the budget cuts would cut down on the military personnel substantially. The Marines 15,000 to 20,000 people cut, the Army 27,000 cut.  In my opinion I don't think we should cut military spending.  There shouldn't be a price on defending this country.  There has to be another way to get money back in this economy and cutting military spending is not the way to go.  For example I think the taxes for the rich should go up, and the income of the politicians should be cut in half.  The politicians make way more money then they actually need but then they complain about how little they're making.  I think they should realize how much they're actually making by taking at least half of their income and put it back into the economy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A pack-a-day or a Blunt-a-day?

The Monitoring the Future Survey was taken by 46,000 teens and showed how many and the last time they have smoked Marijuana.  The survey found that 8% of 8th graders say they've smoked marijuana in the past 30 days.  As the age increases so does the percentage of kids who've smoked pot. But on the other hand 19% of 12th graders have smoked cigarettes at any given time.  The survey shows that high school students tend to smoke marijuana more then smoking cigarettes.  Further down in the article posted on CNN states that 6% of seniors smoke pot on a daily basis.  The uprise in smoking pot as a high school student has increased while other drugs such as meth, and ecstasy have gone down since the early 2000's.  In my opinion I think marijuana should be legal.  Kids today are already doing it so why bother trying to stop it since kids are just going to rebel anyways.  Recreational use of pot doesn't affect kids like say ecstasy or other hardcore drugs.  Just let it be.  article: Marijuana use overtakes smoking in teens


  Obama petitioned to continue the Bush Tax Cuts starting in January of 2011.  According to "Senate Tax Cut Package Filled with Sweeteners, Obama Predicts Passage" the stimulus package includes about $55 Billion dollars worth of tax extensions for individuals and businesses.  My opinion on this matter is that I guess it's ok because we have to do whatever we can to get ourselves out of a recession.  I think that the richer people should be taxed more then the middle class folks.  If it works then it works I don't have anything else really to say.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Four Lokos and You.

The famous Four Lokos, which are caffeinated malt beverages, were originally banned are now making a re-appearance.  The Food and Drug Administration petitioned to have Phusion Projects ( the company who  manufactures the Four Lokos) to remove the Caffeine and two other ingredients.  The companies who produce this type of drink would have to change their formula or they will be forced to shut down their operation.  Tests were done on some people who consumed this type of alcoholic beverage.  A Wake Forest study produced the results that people would think that they could complete tasks like driving and such after the consumption of a Four Loko or another caffeinated alcoholic beverage.  Along with these tests it hasn't been proven that these drinks have any negative impact on a person's health compared to any other alcoholic drink.  In my opinion these drinks shouldn't be outlawed with or without the caffeine in it.  You as the consumer should realize that slamming down a few of these will have a greater affect then say slamming down 4 beers.  Alcohol will mess you up either way and adding caffeine to it will just further the later affects.

The TSA.

As you may know there has been some debate on what the TSA can and can't do.  For those who don't know, the TSA is the agency that does airport security before and after you take an airplane.  What the people argue about is how the TSA should go about searching each and everyone of the passengers.  People complain that they "profile" some people and let others go.  This leads to people getting angry because someone might look like a "terrorist" and they receive tighter security then others.  Americans do want that sense of security when it comes to flying because of the events of September 11th but then they complain about the long lines and hours spent through Customs and other security checkpoints.  In my opinion I think the TSA agents should profile but also treat everyone as equally as possible.  If someone sets the alarm off on the metal detector more then once or twice then I think they should be searched, no questions asked.  But on the other hand if someone looks "American" they shouldn't just have a free pass to go through they should be searched but not as thorough as say someone who sets the metal detector off a few times.

Islamic laws in America?

On November 22 a article was posted about an argument about a ban on Islamic laws in Oklahoma courts. The argument is raised because an amendment was created in the state of Oklahoma which apparently violated the first amendment in the American Constitution in the eyes of the Islamic community.  The main reason for the argument/law suit is that the families that are Muslim want to have their private documents, wills and other documents to be written in accordance with Muslim law. Maneer Awad, who is a leader of the Muslim community in Oaklahoma, thinks that the amendment made Oaklahoma's islamic community a threat to the state.  In my opinion there shouldn't be a law suit/argument about this stuff.  If these muslims want to have their documents follow "Muslim Laws" then how bout they go back to their home country and go back to following their laws.  There shouldn't be a policy stating that its alright to bend a U.S Amendment because their muslim.  So what I'm trying to say is we as a country give you the right to practice your religion, which by the way is the main reason why this country is at war, accept the fact that we give you enough leeway with that and stop trying to bend the United States Constitution to favor your religion.  Americanize or get out.  Sorry if thats too over the top, but I'm just stating my opinion.

Marines will cooperate with the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy

On November 22 the United States Marine Corps. will comply with the repeal of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy.  The policy is about allowing openly gay men and women into the military for active duty.  The Marine Corps which is known for their "tough guy" mentality, and their seemingly mental soldiers.  The Corps will accept the repeal which is now in the hands of the congress.  According to the article posted by CNN the U.S Senate is waiting for a report by the military about the impact of the repeal before they vote and make the decision.  In my opinion I would ask soldiers to vote on if they would like to have openly gay soldiers fighting along side.  Of course if they did that someone or people will make a stink about it and say it was a biased vote and then congress would have to think of another way to make a decision.